September 12, 2011

You know ya gotta clean when...

You can't find your spray paint. How can you lose 4 cans of spray paint! I don't know how I managed it but I did it. I figured I would make my husband happy after yesterday's fabulous furniture find (FFF) and actually complete a project that's been sitting waiting for me since March. Now what will really make him happy is that since I can't find my spray paint (bought full cans in the perfect colors at the local restore for $1.00 each) I now will have to, shudder, clean the garage.
Now I don't mind cleaning out the garage but I don't like to clean it up. What's the difference you might ask? Well cleaning out the garage means having a yardsale and making some 'my husband doesn't get to use it' money. The sweetest kind of money next to found money (putting on a jacket you haven't worn in 2 years and there is a $20 I'm the pocket).

It's the time of the year when all money goes to buying Christmas gifts. While I love finding the perfect gift (especially under budget) I prefer to play with my yardsale money and I'm starting to feel a bit blue about it, but then again it is Monday. Is there something that makes you stop what your doing and clean? If your as fond of found money/yard sale money as I am, what do you like to spend it on?


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